Learn who the necrons are

Who are those Necrons we are going to paint?

The Necrons are a strange xenos species of humanoid, robotic skeletal soldiers who have been sleeping in their stasis-tombs for almost 60 million Terran years, however they have finally begun to awaken.
They are the soulless creations and erstwhile servants of the space elves awful Star Gods, the C’tan.

The Necrons are a race that predates the space elf culture by thousands of years.
They are finally waking up from their Tomb Worlds, as the galaxy has been ripe for invasion and the rebirth of the Necron Empire since the Old Ones vanished more than 60 million standard years ago.

The Necrons are a fully robotic humanoid species with technological capability unparalleled by any of the galaxy’s other intelligent species.

Fully Painted and Based Necron Minis

How to paint citadel miniatures and in particular Nerons?

First take a look at some of the sample necron paint schemes (https://www.bitsbay.shop/how-to/necron-paint-schemes-and-inspiration/) in our dynasty guide.

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